FotoLone: August 2004


2 FotoLone

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

We are All Equal

::What more can one ask for this Merdeka Day, for upon waking up and opening the day's papers, one reads that ::

"All of us are the same,
We are all Malaysians.
We are all equals.

The new PM has spoken. We will work with him, tell him the truth as we see it and ensure that as he has spoken, so it will be that Malaysia will be a land, where from this day on ::

"All of us are the same,
We are all Malaysians.
We are all equals.


"All of us are the same, we are all Malaysians. There is no individual in this country recognised as "more Malaysian" than others," he said.[Bernama]

Abdullah said there is no individual in the country recognised as "more Malaysian" than others.
"All of us are the same, we are all Malaysians. We are all equals," he said. [The Star]

Let all citizens of Malaysia, without feeling inferior, without feeling sidelined, irrespective of race or religion, rise to become statesmen in our own land. We are equal, we are all Malaysians. No individual in this country is more Malaysian than another.[New Straits Times]

Friday, August 20, 2004

What a Whopper!

This whopper of a grouper was reported to have been caught off Pangkor, for those not familiar Pangkor is an island off the Perak coast. The whopper weighed in at 143kg and measured 2.5m in length. Some restaurant guy from Ipoh bought it from the fisherman for RM2,500 and says that the whopper grouper is big enough to serve 80 diners. What a pity, should have let this giant go on with its living.
Anyway you won't catch me dining on it, look at the pic, the cat appears to have taken the first bite! The cat can't possibly be still attending to the fish's dental hygiene!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The Patriotic Toddler


This picture captioned :: Two-year-old Lam Hor Yan shows her patriotic spirit at the Ipoh Parade, was seen in the Star today. We hope that Ms Lam will grow up to be a patriotic Malaysian and will cherish this patriotic picture of her. It is obvious for now that Ms Lam's parents must be truly Patriotic and truly Malaysian for it is equally obvious that Ms Lam, now age 2 years, may have a different concept of Patriotism presently. If only she can tell us all what true Patriotism is.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

The Patriotic Surfer and others

The call has been out since late July, the call to fly the Jalur Gemilang and be patriotic. A Minister mentioned that he would like to see a "sea of Jalur Gemilang" and the DPM is making calls many times over the telly daily to "Kibarkan Jalur Gemilang".

What has been forgotten in the haste to get as many Jalur Gemilang flying is that the Jalur Gemilang deserves our care and respect when flying it for it is a national symbol. It appears that there are rules to be followed when flying the national flag, see this article. But the way some of our Jalur Gemilangs have been treated, or should it be mistreated, reflects poorly on those who have bothered to fly them in the first place. FotoLone photographers were out in late July and early August to take some shots of these Jalur Gemilangs which have seen better days.

The Patriotic Surfer

 'fading' patriotism

 'faded' patriotism

 'dried up & coiled up' patriotism

 'drooping' patriotism

 'rubbished' patriotism

[click on the thumbnails to see the big pictures]

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Top Bottom

Kelly Brook is better known for her E-top, but in a recent survey by the Harley Medical Group (HMG), which runs 10 cosmetic surgery clinics in the UK and Ireland, found that model Kelly Brook's bottom was the most admired body part among 250 of its patients - with 82% ranking it as their favourite celebrity bottom. The picture of E Hurley is for comparison.
For more of the lady with the top bottom go here and here.
Click to read the Guardian article.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Protect Your Largest

An Australian Poster advising Sun-Protectives

The largest organ of our body is of course the skin, if you were thinking of something else, you're wrong. The two most common kinds of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. The third common form of skin cancer is the melanoma. Exposure to the cell damaging ultraviolet rays of the sun is a known causative factor of skin cancers, so there is a need for sun-protectives for those who are in the sun frequently for one reason or another.

Skin cancers are found mainly on areas of the skin that are exposed to the sun--the head, face, neck, hands, and arms. Other areas of the skin can be involved but are not so common. Prevention involves the use of sunblocks and sun-protective clothings when in the sun to prevent excessive sun exposure.

Monday, August 02, 2004

An Unusual Birthday Cake

There are cakes and there are birthday cakes and there is this unusal cake. Made for the wifey and newborn babe by our very own local baker extraordinary. Said baker was said to be one very happy new father.



[click on the pic to see an enlarged view]

New mother wasn't too ecstatic about this exquisite unusual cake and quickly passed it on to the maternity ward staff.